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COVID Funding 


In recent weeks the St John’s College Trust Board (“Trust”) and Te Kotahitanga have discussed the rapid and exciting change in the way ministry and mission have been delivered by the Church throughout the COVID-19 Crisis.

As such the Trust and Te Kotahitanga wish to call for Expressions of Intent (applications) for funding that will allow recipients within the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia to implement adaptive, innovative and novel education and ministry methodologies and initiatives that have come to light during the COVID Crisis.

The Trust has agreed to make additional funding available to fund such education initiatives that clearly demonstrate that there will be a significant long-term benefit to the ministry and mission of the Church and the funding will allow the recipient to alter the methodology or means by which ministry education is presently delivered or will expand/change the audience to which it is delivered.

The funding to be provided by the Trust will be in addition to the normal annual distributions funded by the Trust and the submission of Expressions of Intent are not subject to any deadline.

The Trust and Te Kotahitanga have agreed that in order to seize the opportunities that have arisen, there will be a condensed process for these Expressions of Intent to be to be submitted, reviewed and approved.

As such there are no application forms to be completed.  Instead we ask that submissions be made subject to your own determinations, so long as the objectives of the initiatives for which funding is being sought, and the recipient of the funding is clear and that applications are consolidated and submitted on a Diocese or Amorangi basis, or common life application via General Synod Standing Committee.  We also request a supporting letter from your Amorangi/Diocese Bishop or a Pihopa closely associated with your Common Life entity.

While the intention is that the parameters for this funding will be as wide as the St John’s Trust’s Act allows, however the following should be considered:

  • That the funding will need to comply with the provisions of section 3(1) of the Act.

  • That the funding be for the implementation of adaptive, innovative and novel education and ministry methodologies and initiatives that have come to light during the COVID Crisis.

  • That while there is no preference in respect to this funding, the Trust and Te Kotahitanga are cognisant of the recent resolution of General Synod Standing Committee stating that Anglican schools are a strategic education priority of the Church.

  • That the normal provisions limiting capital expenditure will be suspended if it can be clearly evidenced that the purchase of capital items will enable the delivery of education in accordance with section 3(1) of the Act.

  • That the funding provided under this initiative be ‘one-off’ funding for the period over which the initiative will be implemented.

  • This funding is not available to fund scholarships, which will continue to be funded by the Trust as normal.


All expressions of interest should be submitted to the Trust’s Secretary, Grant Hope at

St Johns College Trust Board 2021.

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