New Initiatives Funding
Funding innovation in education within the Anglican Church is one of the key objectives of the the St John's College Trust Board. The Trust's innovation fund will focus on identifying and providing pilot funding to allow new education initiatives to become sustainable.
Details relating to this funding are as follows:
Applications must relate to the funding of new education programmes, courses of study and other initiatives.
All applications must be in alignment with the purposes of the Trust, specifically section 3(1)(c) of the St John's College Trusts Act.
Any applications submitted to the Trust under any other funding categories will be rejected.
Applications to fund scholarships of individual or groups will not be accepted.
New initiative funding will be provided to successful applicants to fund pilot projects of between one and three (1 - 3) years in duration. Applicants for this funding should note that the Trust will not continue funding projects beyond the pilot time frame agreed by the Trust.
All education initiatives must include education in the principles of the Christian faith and be delivered by a defined course of study, delivered to identifiable participants and with the purpose/outcome of the education able to be clearly demonstrated.
Funding for education planned to be delivered by way of events, celebrations or conferences will not be approved.
The of funding of multi-year education programmes may be subject to the agreement of certain milestones being achieved.
All funding awarded for new initiatives, including multi-year applications, will be funded from the current year's funding allocation. The allocation of funding for new initiatives will be determined by the Trust on a year by year basis.
While the Trust wishes to encourage innovation, Trustees understand that not every pilot project will be successful or will continue beyond its pilot period. While the risk of failure will be considered by the Trust, this alone should not be seen by Applicants as a reason not to apply.
Applications will also need to align with the strategic education priorities of the Church. These priorities are set by Te Kotahitanga a body established under Canon II, Title E of the Church. It will be Te Kotahitanga that will undertake the review of the alignment of applications against strategy and advise the Trust accordingly. The strategic priorities advised by Te Kotahitanga are available by clicking here.
New Initiatives Funding will not be available in 2020.
If you have any queries please contact, Grant Hope, Secretary 09 550 4044 or
We encourage you to refer to the Trust's Funding Manual when submitting any application to the Trust: