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College Fund (Section 3(1)) Education Programme  Applications

Section 3(1) of the St John's College Trusts Act sets out the purposes of funding from the College Fund.  The funding from section 3(1), often referred to as General Funding, provides funding for the purposes of St John's College in Auckland and the education programmes of recognised episcopal units of the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.


​Episcopal units may include but are not solely limited to Amorangi, Diocese, Ministry Bodies, Common Life bodies, Commissions, Schools and Parishes.  If you have any queries regarding eligibility please contact the Trust's Secretary.

If you are submitting a NEW application for funding, or seeking to vary the details of your prior year application (including details of the underlying education programmes or amount of funding you are seeking) you need to submit your application by 30 September by using the following form:

If you are applying to CONTINUE a multi-year funding application that you previously submitted to the Trust (and no changes/variations are being sought other than an inflation adjustment), please use the following form by 30 September:

We encourage you to refer to the Trust's Funding Manual when submitting any application to the Trust: 

St Johns College Trust Board 2021.

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